Genius - Peter Jones  

Welcome to a better way to shop - welcome to Unfolded!

30% of new clothes made this year will never be sold. That's 26 billion items this year alone that being dumped into landfill, burnt or recylced!  

At Unfolded we're on a mission to make a clothes without any of this awful waste! How?

Every item we make is designed in colloboration with women just like you, our Unfolders!

5,000+ women now help design every item.

Clothes are then only made after people start ordering.

This approach ensures no waste!

And with the savings we offer you better prices, fund kids to learn to read and write and pay garment workers higher wages.

5 Reasons you'll fall in love with Unfolded

Sustainable and Affordable
With the savings made by producing in a waste-free way we're able to offer you better prices - our prices are around 30% cheaper than the high street.

Zero Waste - Better for the planet
30% of brand new clothes produced every year are never sold and risk being dumped in landfill... That's 26 billion items this year alone. Unfolded makes none of this waste!

Clothes You'll Love  
By designing with thousands of women just like you we're able to make products you'll love - think flattering dresses, big pockets and a lot more!

Better for the Planet
Without the waste we don't create the emissions of a traditional brand. If all brands worked out way global emissions would reduce by 1.5%... that's all emissions!

A life changed with every order
For every Unfolded order, we donate at least one month of support to help fund children in India learn to read & write.

Over 5,000 children in India have been supported by Unfolded customers since launch.

Watch Unfolded on STV News in December 2024

4.7* rating on Trustpilot


What if I order and it doesn't fit?

If you order and it doesn't fit then we'll be happy to organise a return.

But we would love it if you would consider using our swap platform instead and swapping the item for another size or product with someone else from the Unfolded community.

How much is delivery?

Delivery in the UK is free when you spend over £45 or £3.99 under this.

How do you create positive impact?

By removing the waste from the production process we save lot's of money. Some of that is used to offer you lower prices and some of it is used to pay higher wages to the garment workers in our factories in India.

The rest is used to fund kids who live around these factories to learn to read and write. We do this with an amazing organisation called Pratham. You can see the direct impact every item has. A dress will normally support a child to learn for 2 months.  

How do women help you Design the clothes?

There is now over 4,000 women just like you in a private Unfolded facebook group, we call them our Unfolders.

They help to decide what products we should make. Once you buy you can join this pretty amazing group.

In it they also share styling advice and sell on items if they no longer wear them.

Why are you cheaper than other brands?

We only make what you order - meaning we don't create the same waste as other brands. The savings this creates are used for positive impact and to offer you a better deal.  

"I am delighted to have found this ethical, sustainable clothing company that reduces the waste in the fashion industry. The clothes are really well made and very comfortable."

Debra, UK on Trustpilot

Free Delivery

Over £45

Collection 08 - Just Launched

Money back guarentee | Secure payments

All Our Clothes

Are made from Sustainable fabrics

Have been designed in colloboration with 4,500 women.

Fund children in education in India.

Pay factory workers higher wages.

Are made without the waste of fast fashion.

Over 50,000 orders delivered with
600+ 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 reviews

I love this company!

The clothes are well made using quality fabrics and are comfortable to wear. So good to know that Unfolded's ethical credentials can be 100% trusted as they keep you informed of the manufacturing process from start to finish.

Catherine on Trustpilot Verified customer

Sustainable fashion

I've bought several pieces from This is Unfolded. It's great to find an ethical manufacturer, making clothes to order and keeping customers in the loop with regular updates about the manufacturing process and timeline. I'm a massive fan!

Frances on Trustpilot
Verified customer

Ethical and transparent

The collections always have something that you can wear and feel good doing so! Have now ordered from four collections and have not been disappointed.

Catherine on Trustpilot Verified customer

Meet the Founders
and Their Bloopers

Free Delivery

from £45

Money back guarentee | Secure payments

All of our clothes:

Are made from sustainably sourced materials

Are designed in colloboration with our customers

Funds children in education in India.

Pay factory workers higher wages.

Are made without the waste of fast fashion.

Unfolded versus The Rest

15% off your first order

Use code IMPACT-15

Money back guarentee | Secure payments