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Welcome to the fold

By Cally Russell

Welcome to The Fold - our new weekly update about all things Unfolded: sustainability news, eco-friendly fashion updates and everything that is going on at our sustainable clothing brand This is Unfolded. We'll have updates about our mission to change the world through sustainable fashion; and interesting news from the past week.

We want to share our journey of trying to remove the waste from fashion and make truly sustainable clothing with you - good and bad! Working together is the only way we’ll make real change.

So this is what’s happened in the past week:


1 | Website updates

We’re made new sections on the website, including How it Works and showing the impact of shopping sustainably. These help us tell the story of Unfolded and what we’re all about. What do you think?

2 | Instagram Takeover

Thousands of amazing women have joined Unfolded on our mission to cut waste and produce sustainable, affordable fashion. This week we handed over our This is Unfolded Instagram to some of them to share their days and to show off the latest ethical clothing in Collection 05. You can catch up with Khadiza, Caroline and Tori’s stories here. Anita and Sally will be posting soon!

3 | Kidswear

After input from hundreds of eco-conscious shoppers and three face-to-face feedback sessions, we signed off the lineup for the first Unfolded sustainable kidswear collection. This will feature 10 amazing eco-friendly kids clothing pieces, and will be delivered by Xmas - making it the perfect gift, for a loved one, for the planet and for the people who made the clothes!


The pound drops: This had a very real impact on us at This is UNfolded. It meant several days of speaking to suppliers and reworking some prices for the future! It rebounded slightly this morning but I’ve got a couple more grey hairs this week that I didn't have last week…


Woolmark launched a shocking campaign to show the volume of synthetic materials used in fashion. Did you know that an Olympic sized swimming pool of oil is used to make clothes every 25 seconds? That’s 2.5 MILLION litres by the way, every 25 minutes! You can watch the harrowing video for this here.

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Written by
Cally Russell | CEO & Co-founder

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